
Entrepreneurial Leadership in Nasyiaytul Aisyiyah Sidoarjo

Entrepreneurial Leadership in Nasyiaytul Aisyiyah Sidoarjo

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This study aims to determine the strengthening of the role of entrepreneurial identity to improve the entrepreneurial identity has a positive influence on entrepreneurial leadership in NA Sidoarjo. The study's design used sample data colletion through a questionnaire, and the sample in members of NA. The collected data were then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method assisted by PLS. The techniques of determining the sample unit in this study is simple random sampling. From the results of hypothesis testing, that entrepreneur identity has a postive effect on entrepreneurial leadership in NA Sidoarjo. The motivation and entrepreneurial leadership ofmembers to be more innovative in creating their businesses and developing creativity in their business processes.

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